
How Much Will You Save By Replacing Windows?

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Rising utility costs are a serious concern.  The experts encourage you to replace your windows to lower energy bills, and while this seems like good advice, you may be wondering if the savings will really offset the cost of the windows. The answer to that question depends on several factors. Here is the truth about how much money you can save each month with energy efficient windows.

Condition of Existing Windows
How old are your windows? Are they single-pane or double? Do you need to put storm windows in place every winter? The way that windows are engineered has advanced over the decades; while single pane windows were once the norm, manufacturers now understand that double-pane glass and revolutionary coatings are necessary for energy efficiency. Take a look at the windows in your home to see what kind of condition they are in.
• Do you feel a draft coming from your windows? That draft is costing you more than it should each month.
• Do you only have a single pane of glass in the window? If so, then replacement windows will quickly pay for themselves through lower energy bills.
• Do you have to put storm windows in place?

• Are UV Rays Damaging your furniture or flooring?
• Does condensation regularly build up on the inside of your windows?
• How old are your windows? Windows that are original to a house built before the 1980s are not very energy efficient.

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you will benefit from new windows. These are all indicators of windows that are inefficient – allowing excessive heat and air to move freely between the interior and exterior of your home. People who replace old, drafty windows will save significantly more on their energy bills.

Location, Location, Location
Consider where you live. How often do you have to run the furnace and air conditioner? If you can go throughout the year without turning on these appliances too often, then replacement windows may not be necessary for you. However, most people in Alberta can benefit from more energy efficient windows.

In cold climates, double-pane glass windows with argon filling and low-e glass coating prevents radiant heat from leaving your home and blocks cold air from drifting in. This helps homeowners drastically reduce their heating bills. When we do have our warm season you will appreciate the reverse effect in the summer: radiant heat from the sun is blocked, and the cool air produced by air conditioner is kept indoors. estimates that replacing single-pane windows will save homeowners 15 percent or more on their energy bills. If you replace double-pane, clear glass windows, then you can expect to save seven percent or more on your energy costs. Remember that these are average numbers; some homeowners report saving less, but others report saving much more.

Consider Size and Quantity

Another consideration is the size and quantity of your windows. Replacing a small window in the basement will not make as much of an impact as replacing a large picture window in a living room. The more windows you have, the more they are costing you every month in energy bills. While it will cost to invest in new windows, this can be overshadowed by the savings you will see on your energy bill along with the comfort in your lifestyle at home.

Save on HVAC Maintenance, Repairs and Replacement
The savings from new windows extend beyond decreases in your utility bills. When you take the time to make your home more energy efficient, your HVAC won’t have to work as hard. Easing the workload on your HVAC unit allows it to last longer and run more efficiently. In the long run, you will save money on repairs and also prolong the life of your unit.

Compounded Savings Every Year
After the first year, people may initially be disappointed to see savings of a few hundred dollars, not realizing that the savings will continue. It is an investment that continues to repay you year after year. As energy costs continue to rise, your savings will also continue to grow.

Consider the costs of maintenance and upkeep that wood windows require as well.  There is significant cost savings from the process of repainting wood windows every few years.

Curb Appeal and Property Value
It is important to consider the curb appeal of your home. New windows look great both inside and out. They not only make your home look nicer, but they also improve the property value. Buyers today are energy savvy, and they aren’t as interested in homes with aging windows. They will talk you down on your list price based on what they will have to pay to replace the existing windows. However, you can stand firm on your price if the work has already been done. Moreover, investing in quality constructed window with argon gas filling and low-E coating can even increase your selling price.

Special UV Coatings and Personal Property
Ultraviolet rays from the sun stream through your windows and gradually fade your personal property. Not all windows come with special coatings to keep UVA and UVB rays out of your home, and investing in such coatings is not a significant cost. This affordable window option protects your carpet and furniture, saving you money by preserving the condition of your personal property.

Safety Considerations
You cannot put a price on safety. Older, single-pane windows and even some double-pane windows can pose a danger in extreme situations. You do not want your loved ones to be harmed by a window unexpectedly breaking or glass that shatters when you are trying to open a jammed window.  Alberta’s extreme winter climates can cause severe ice build up on older inefficient windows, if a fire or other emergency arises where the window is meant to be an easy access point, having it frozen shut can take away precious minutes in an emergency situation. With new windows, you will enjoy safer construction and smooth functioning. New windows are less likely to break, and this is an important implication for your entire family. E4XU39M5RRB4

Making the decision to invest in new windows can be difficult. The initial expense is discouraging, but it is important to look at the overall savings. In addition to lowering your energy bills, you will also reduce the load on your HVAC system, enjoy much less maintenance, and make your home safer. Your curb appeal and property value will rise, and you will love the incredible look of your new windows.

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